Raudasandur (Rauðasandur) Beach and Seals
Raudasandur (Rauðasandur) Beach and Seals
Raudasandur is a stunning sandy beach on a remote stretch of coast at the end of a winding dirt road. The 15 km detour on road 614 crosses a plateau and descends in a series of tight hairpin bends to the south shore of the West Fjords peninsula.
As the glorious expanse of golden sand comes into view the road descends to a junction.
To the right, you'll find a café but access to the beach is easiest from Melanes, turning left at the junction. Park by the campsite and toilets at the end of the road.
Cross the stream and walk above the beach for a short way before descending to the sand. At low tide, seals haul out at the end of the sand spit, which will take about an hour to reach.
Binoculars are essential to view the seals without disturbing them.
As an alternative, instead of walking along the beach, continue on the grassy path above the sands to the remains of a turf farm, where the tragedy unfolded when an illicit love affair turned to murder. For a spectacular view follow the path that climbs the hill above the farm.