Akureyri Public Park
Akureyri Public Park
The Akureyri Public Park was opened in 1912 but the Botanic section in 1957.
The park has been enlarged three times since 1912 and is now about 3.7 ha and lies at 40-50 m altitude at Eyrarlandsvegur road near midtown. The aims of the activity in the Botanic Garden are several.
The most important task is to provide northern Iceland in general with trees, shrubs, and perennials that fulfill demands upon beauty and hardiness.
The garden is also meant to function as genebank for hardy plants suitable to the weather conditions in Iceland.
Apart from that, the general idea is multiple uses, such as seed-exchange, public information, education, and recreation. There are about 6600 alien taxa growing in the garden now in beds and nursery and around 430 species of the native taxa.
Opening Hours:
All year Monday - Friday: 8 am until 10 pm Saturday - Sunday: 9 am until 10 pm
Entrance Fee: Free