Krisuvikurberg (Krísuvíkurberg) Bird Cliffs

Krisuvikurberg (Krísuvíkurberg) Bird Cliffs

A 3 km detour down a rough 4x4 dirt track from Sudurstrandarvegur takes you to the imposing black cliffs of Krisuvikurberg (also known as Krísuvíkurbjarg).  

Some 10,000 seabirds nest on the six-kilometer-long 50-70m high cliffs, among them guillemots, Brünnich's guillemots, kittiwakes, and fulmars. 

The cliff face shows a profile of numerous lava flows, one on top of another. 

The cliff edge is unstable in places and can be buffeted by gusty winds so stay back from the edge!  This detour is not feasible in winter.