Red Sands Beach

Red Sands Beach

Raudasandur is a glorious 10km long beach of shell sand, with a reddish hue when the sun shines on it. 

It’s such an idyllic spot that you can see why some might be tempted to take a dip here on a sunny day. 

To get there take road 614, a drive not for the faint-hearted as the descent is very steep, with numerous hairpin bends. 

Once down you’ll arrive at a junction, turn right for the tiny cafe that serves home-baked waffles Icelandic style with jam and whipped cream. 

To access the beach, turn left and park at Melanes (toilets here) and then follow the path along the coast. 

Seals can be found hauled out on the sands at the end of the spit.