The Saga Centre

The Saga Centre

Welcome to the Saga Centre! The Saga Centre is a cultural Centre for the region of Rangarþing east. The Saga Centre offers visitors a unique op­portunity to explore the vast and fascinating world of the Sagas. 

As our guest, you will have an incredible chance to enter the world of mythology, ocean voyages, and the discovery of new lands. 

Take some time and meet the characters of the famous Saga of Brennu­Njall or as it is called in English, the Story of Burned Njal. And like several other Sagas, it has a nickname in its native Iceland, “Njala”. As you step through the entrance of the Centre you will find yourself transported back in time. 

Visitors will be captivated by the deep and rich history of the Sagas. Expe­rience the dramatic and fascinating story of the Viking age with all its romance, conflict, love, and death. Njals Saga Brenna-­Njalssaga is the most celebrated of the Icelandic Sagas. 

Though its events are set in the tenth and early eleventh centuries, the Saga itself was not written until towards the end of the thirteenth century by an anon­ymous Icelandic Saga-man or storyteller. 

The Saga takes place in Southern Iceland mainly at Rangarvellir. Saga Centre at Hvolsvollur houses the great exhibition of Njala, dedicated to this masterpiece of Icelandic Sagas. 

Guests are invited to explore ocean travel and navigation, religion, Viking cosmology before they enter into the literary art of the greatest heroic stories of the Middle Ages. 

Opening Hours: 
May 15th-September 15th: All week 9 am until 6 pm 
September 16th–May 14th: Weekends 10 am until 5 pm 
Admission: Adults (16+) ISK 900 Seniors & students: ISK 750 Free for children accompanied by an adult 
Amenities: Cafe